Qué hacemos


Mar, 03/10/2017



As you know, one of our first activities is to design our logo, the logo of our Project: “Mens Sana y Corpore Sano”. This latin expresión express the identity of our Project: integral education, myself and my identity (my feelings, culture, History, heritage...); The identity, knowlegde and repect to others; And myself and my environment (my school, my town, my environment...). Everything is connected thanks to our common language, English, and ICT. Maybe, teachers and pupils can know our project much better with the summary in English (page 48-49 of the application form) or explaing the meaning of “healthy body and mind”.

This idea will be a summary of our project. So, in this activity each boy or girl has to draw and paint a drawing where they have to represent this idea as a synthesis. The logo or drawing must have the following characteristics:

- There must appear the full name of our project: MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO.

- There must appear allusions to four countries, for example: our flags, colours, monuments or other traditional things.

- The technique of drawing is free: markers, colored pencils, crayon...

- The drawing must be in a A4 paper, as big as possible because the logo has to be very clear when we reduce the image in a small logo.

- We think it is a activity from Primary 3 to Primary 6-7, maybe for younger students would be difficult. Families can help our pupils with ideas or proposal.

- Each school has to choose four drawings and finally, we will vote for he winner of each school and the winner of our project. This drawing will be our logo.

- Date of delivery: Friday 6th of October. The idea is to choose the winner during the coordination meeting in Spain.